All functions |
Add refseq slot for dada2 based phyloseq object |
Aggregate Top Taxa v2 |
Dominant Taxa |
Find samples dominated by specific taxa |
Formatting the |
Taxa abundance summary by group |
Download test microbiome data |
Convert Phyloseq Slots to Tibbles |
Test data 2 |
Join otu_table and tax_table to Tibble |
List of available datasets |
Make pairs |
Peak into |
Summarize the percent taxa classification for |
Convert |
Plasticity |
Mean Abundance-Prevalence relation |
Creat a plot for alpha diversities calculated using the |
Rarefaction curves for alpha diversity indices |
Area plot |
Diversity plot with stats |
A boxplot for user specified list of taxa |
Plot species loading with ordinations |
Plotting core microbiota on ordinations |
A paired-boxplot for user specified list of taxa |
Distribution of reads |
A boxplot for user specified list of taxa |
Spaghetti Plots |
Taxonomic Composition Plot boxplot |
Taxonomic Composition Plot |
Coefficient of variations |
Heatmap using |
Create table for Ternary plot |
Create table for ternary plot OTU |
Overview of |
Simple Heatmap |
Distribution of taxa |
Pool Taxa |
Give taxa summary at specified taxonomic level |
Custom theme for microbiomeutilities pkg |
Test data |