In this examples, the step to work with custom mock communities is demonstrated.
The test data used in this example are from Ramiro-Garcia J, Hermes GDA, Giatsis C et al. NG-Tax, a highly accurate and validated pipeline for analysis of 16S rRNA amplicons from complex biomes F1000Research 2018, 5:1791 [version 2; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations, 1 not approved].

How to prepare a custom training set for DECIPHER::IdTaxa?
These are from the DECIPHER package.


Read the fasta file with 16S rRNA gene sequences for taxa in mock community.

# db <- "../MIBMocks/MIBPhylotypes.fasta" # path of custom fasta sequences 

# Here example is store in the package.
db <- system.file("extdata", "MIBPhylotypes.fasta",
                      package="chkMocks", mustWork = TRUE)

Convert to DNAStringSet.

seqs <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(db)
#> Warning in .Call2("fasta_index", filexp_list, nrec, skip, seek.first.rec, :
#> reading FASTA file C:/Users/shettys/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.2/chkMocks/
#> extdata/MIBPhylotypes.fasta: ignored 2 invalid one-letter sequence codes
seqs <- DECIPHER::OrientNucleotides(seqs)
#> ========================================================================================================================================================================================================
#> Time difference of 0.08 secs
# check first 2 as example
#> [1] "Bacteria;Actinobacteria;Actinobacteria;Actinomycetales;Nocardiaceae;Rhodococcus;Rhodococcus.1_PT;"  
#> [2] "Bacteria;Actinobacteria;Actinobacteria;Actinomycetales;Micrococcaceae;Micrococcus;Micrococcus.2_PT;"

Now, adding the dummy seq name before > and adding a ‘Root’ before Bacteria;Phylum;etc;

# here, adding the dummy seq name before > and adding a 'Root' before Bacteria;Phylum;etc;
names(seqs) <- paste0("MIB", seq(1:length(names(seqs))), " ", "Root;" ,names(seqs))

# check first 2 as example
#> [1] "MIB1 Root;Bacteria;Actinobacteria;Actinobacteria;Actinomycetales;Nocardiaceae;Rhodococcus;Rhodococcus.1_PT;"  
#> [2] "MIB2 Root;Bacteria;Actinobacteria;Actinobacteria;Actinomycetales;Micrococcaceae;Micrococcus;Micrococcus.2_PT;"

We show how to check for problematic taxonomies. However, it will most likely be not required if input fasta is formatted correctly.

groups <- names(seqs) # sequence names
groups <- gsub("(.*)(Root;)", "\\2", groups)
groupCounts <- table(groups)
u_groups <- names(groupCounts)
maxGroupSize <- 10 # max sequences per label (>= 1)
remove <- logical(length(seqs))

Create a training set.

maxIterations <- 3
allowGroupRemoval <- FALSE
probSeqsPrev <- integer()

for (i in which(groupCounts > maxGroupSize)) {
  index <- which(groups==u_groups[i])
  keep <- sample(length(index),
  remove[index[-keep]] <- TRUE

taxid <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(maxIterations)) {
  cat("Training iteration: ", i, "\n", sep="")
  # train the classifier
  MIBTrainingSet <- LearnTaxa(seqs[!remove],
  # look for problem sequences
  probSeqs <- MIBTrainingSet$problemSequences$Index 
  if (length(probSeqs)==0) {
    cat("No problem sequences remaining.\n")
  } else if (length(probSeqs)==length(probSeqsPrev) &&
             all(probSeqsPrev==probSeqs)) {
    cat("Iterations converged.\n")
  if (i==maxIterations)
  probSeqsPrev <- probSeqs
  # remove any problem sequences
  index <- which(!remove)[probSeqs]
  remove[index] <- TRUE # remove all problem sequences
  if (!allowGroupRemoval) {
    # replace any removed groups
    missing <- !(u_groups %in% groups[!remove])
    missing <- u_groups[missing]
    if (length(missing) > 0) {
      index <- index[groups[index] %in% missing]
      remove[index] <- FALSE # don't remove

Check any problems.


# saveRDS(MIBTrainingSet, "inst/extdata/MIBTrainingSet.rds")
# Here MIBTrainingSet is stored in the package to reduce time for example.
# Read data from package
MIBTrainingSet <- system.file("extdata", "MIBTrainingSet.rds",
                      package="chkMocks", mustWork = TRUE)
#path for file
MIBTrainingSet <- readRDS(MIBTrainingSet)

Check training set.


Check training set.

# Problem seqs in reference?
#>   Index
#> 1    16
#>                                                                                              Expected
#> 1 Root;Bacteria;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia;Bacteroidales;Bacteroidaceae;Bacteroides;Bacteroides.16_PT;
#>                                                                                             Predicted
#> 1 Root;Bacteria;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia;Bacteroidales;Bacteroidaceae;Bacteroides;Bacteroides.11_PT;

# Which is the problem group
#> [1] "Root;Bacteria;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia;Bacteroidales;Bacteroidaceae;Bacteroides;"

Bacteroides seqs are highlighted here. These are common gut inhabitants. Closely related Bacteroides can be difficult to assign taxonomy at lowere levels.

There is N in some of the reference sequences and therefore it is highlighted.

Create theoretical Phyloseq

Get theoretical Composition MIBMocks

# <- read.csv("../MIBMocks/TheoreticalCompositionMIBMocks.csv") 

# Here example is store in the package. <- system.file("extdata", "TheoreticalCompositionMIBMocks.csv",
                      package="chkMocks", mustWork = TRUE)
mck.otu <- read.csv(

#>                Species  MC3   MC4
#> 1     Rhodococcus.1_PT 1.16 0.001
#> 2     Micrococcus.2_PT 1.16 0.010
#> 3 Bifidobacterium.3_PT 1.16 0.100
#> 4 Bifidobacterium.4_PT 1.16 2.490
#> 5 Bifidobacterium.5_PT 1.16 0.000
#> 6 Bifidobacterium.6_PT 1.16 0.000

The table above has theoretical composition.

# make Species col as rownames
rownames(mck.otu) <- mck.otu$Species

# Remove first col `Species` and convert it to a matrix
mck.otu <- mck.otu[,-1] %>% as.matrix() 

#>                       MC3   MC4
#> Rhodococcus.1_PT     1.16 0.001
#> Micrococcus.2_PT     1.16 0.010
#> Bifidobacterium.3_PT 1.16 0.100
#> Bifidobacterium.4_PT 1.16 2.490
#> Bifidobacterium.5_PT 1.16 0.000
#> Bifidobacterium.6_PT 1.16 0.000

The matrix above can be convert to otu_table later.

Now create a dummy sample_data table.

# SampleType here is label that should match one of your columns in sample_data in experimental samples phyloseq object.
mck.sam <- data.frame(row.names = c(colnames(mck.otu)),
                      SampleType = c("MyMockTheoretical","MyMockTheoretical")) %>%  
#>            SampleType
#> MC3 MyMockTheoretical
#> MC4 MyMockTheoretical

Get the taxonomy for mock phylotype.

# <- read.csv("../MIBMocks/TaxonomyMIBMocks.csv") 

# Here example is store in the package. <- system.file("extdata", "TaxonomyMIBMocks.csv",
                      package="chkMocks", mustWork = TRUE) <- read.csv(

#>     Domain         Phylum          Class             Order             Family
#> 1 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria   Actinomycetales       Nocardiaceae
#> 2 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria   Actinomycetales     Micrococcaceae
#> 3 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacteriaceae
#> 4 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacteriaceae
#> 5 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacteriaceae
#> 6 Bacteria Actinobacteria Actinobacteria Bifidobacteriales Bifidobacteriaceae
#>             Genus              Species
#> 1     Rhodococcus     Rhodococcus.1_PT
#> 2     Micrococcus     Micrococcus.2_PT
#> 3 Bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium.3_PT
#> 4 Bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium.4_PT
#> 5 Bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium.5_PT
#> 6 Bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium.6_PT

rownames( <-$Species <-[,-1] %>% as.matrix() 

#>                      Phylum           Class            Order              
#> Rhodococcus.1_PT     "Actinobacteria" "Actinobacteria" "Actinomycetales"  
#> Micrococcus.2_PT     "Actinobacteria" "Actinobacteria" "Actinomycetales"  
#> Bifidobacterium.3_PT "Actinobacteria" "Actinobacteria" "Bifidobacteriales"
#> Bifidobacterium.4_PT "Actinobacteria" "Actinobacteria" "Bifidobacteriales"
#> Bifidobacterium.5_PT "Actinobacteria" "Actinobacteria" "Bifidobacteriales"
#> Bifidobacterium.6_PT "Actinobacteria" "Actinobacteria" "Bifidobacteriales"
#>                      Family               Genus            
#> Rhodococcus.1_PT     "Nocardiaceae"       "Rhodococcus"    
#> Micrococcus.2_PT     "Micrococcaceae"     "Micrococcus"    
#> Bifidobacterium.3_PT "Bifidobacteriaceae" "Bifidobacterium"
#> Bifidobacterium.4_PT "Bifidobacteriaceae" "Bifidobacterium"
#> Bifidobacterium.5_PT "Bifidobacteriaceae" "Bifidobacterium"
#> Bifidobacterium.6_PT "Bifidobacteriaceae" "Bifidobacterium"
#>                      Species               
#> Rhodococcus.1_PT     "Rhodococcus.1_PT"    
#> Micrococcus.2_PT     "Micrococcus.2_PT"    
#> Bifidobacterium.3_PT "Bifidobacterium.3_PT"
#> Bifidobacterium.4_PT "Bifidobacterium.4_PT"
#> Bifidobacterium.5_PT "Bifidobacterium.5_PT"
#> Bifidobacterium.6_PT "Bifidobacterium.6_PT"

This is will be our tax_table

Build a phyloseq object of theoretical composition <- phyloseq(otu_table(mck.otu, taxa_are_rows = T), 
#> phyloseq-class experiment-level object
#> otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 55 taxa and 2 samples ]
#> sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 2 samples by 1 sample variables ]
#> tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 55 taxa by 6 taxonomic ranks ]

The MIB mock contain 55 phylotypes. There are two types of mocks viz., MC3 and MC4

#> [1] "MC3" "MC4"

Check composition of theoretical <- microbiome::aggregate_taxa(, "Genus")
plot_composition( + 
  theme_minimal() +
        legend.text = element_text(face = "italic")) +
  guides(col = guide_legend(ncol = 2))

These are not very useful to visualize with barplots. Too many genera!

microbiome::plot_composition(, plot.type = "heatmap") + 
  scale_fill_viridis_c("Abudance (%)") +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(hjust = 1),
        axis.text.y = element_text(face = "italic")) + 
#> Scale for 'fill' is already present. Adding another scale for 'fill', which
#> will replace the existing scale.

New experiment

# Here example is store in the package.
ps.mib.w <- system.file("extdata", "ps.mib.rds",
                        package="chkMocks", mustWork = TRUE)
#path for file
ps.mib.w <- readRDS(ps.mib.w)

# taxa names are ASV seqs. Check first 2 names/ASV seqs

Assign custom taxonomy

ps.mib <- assignTaxonomyCustomMock(ps.mib.w, # experimental mock community phyloseq
                                   mock_db = MIBTrainingSet, # custome training set  
                                   processors = NULL,
                                   threshold = 60,
                                   strand = "top",
                                   verbose = FALSE)
#> Warning: Expected 8 pieces. Missing pieces filled with `NA` in 1362 rows [1, 3,
#> 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, ...].

Aggregate to species

ps.mib <- aggregate_taxa(ps.mib, "species")
#>  [1] "Micrococcus.2_PT"                          
#>  [2] "Rhodococcus.1_PT"                          
#>  [3] "Bifidobacterium.10_PT"                     
#>  [4] "Bifidobacterium.4_PT"                      
#>  [5] "Bifidobacterium.5_PT"                      
#>  [6] "Bifidobacterium.6_PT"                      
#>  [7] "Bifidobacterium.8_PT"                      
#>  [8] "unclassified_Bifidobacterium"              
#>  [9] "Bacteroides.12_PT"                         
#> [10] "Bacteroides.13_PT"                         
#> [11] "Bacteroides.14_PT"                         
#> [12] "Bacteroides.15_PT"                         
#> [13] "unclassified_Bacteroides"                  
#> [14] "Parabacteroides.17_PT"                     
#> [15] "Prevotella.18_PT"                          
#> [16] "Alistipes.19_PT"                           
#> [17] "Bacillus.20_PT"                            
#> [18] "Bacillus.21_PT"                            
#> [19] "unclassified_Bacillus"                     
#> [20] "Granulicatella.22_PT"                      
#> [21] "Enterococcus.23_PT"                        
#> [22] "Lactobacillus.24_PT"                       
#> [23] "Lactobacillus.25_PT"                       
#> [24] "Lactobacillus.26_PT"                       
#> [25] "unclassified_Lactobacillus"                
#> [26] "Lactococcus.27_PT"                         
#> [27] "Streptococcus.28_PT"                       
#> [28] "Streptococcus.29_PT"                       
#> [29] "unclassified_Streptococcus"                
#> [30] "Clostridium sensu stricto.30_PT"           
#> [31] "Anaerostipes.31_PT"                        
#> [32] "Blautia.32_PT"                             
#> [33] "Dorea.33_PT"                               
#> [34] "Lachnospiracea_incertae_sedis.34_PT"       
#> [35] "Lachnospiracea_incertae_sedis.35_PT"       
#> [36] "Lachnospiracea_incertae_sedis.36_PT"       
#> [37] "unclassified_Lachnospiracea_incertae_sedis"
#> [38] "Roseburia.37_PT"                           
#> [39] "Ruminococcus2.38_PT"                       
#> [40] "Clostridium XI.39_PT"                      
#> [41] "Clostridium IV.40_PT"                      
#> [42] "Faecalibacterium.41_PT"                    
#> [43] "Veillonella.42_PT"                         
#> [44] "Fusobacterium.43_PT"                       
#> [45] "Victivallis.44_PT"                         
#> [46] "Enterobacter.46_PT"                        
#> [47] "unclassified_Enterobacter"                 
#> [48] "Escherichia/Shigella.49_PT"                
#> [49] "Klebsiella.50_PT"                          
#> [50] "Salmonella.51_PT"                          
#> [51] "Serratia.52_PT"                            
#> [52] "Pseudomonas.53_PT"                         
#> [53] "Pseudomonas.54_PT"                         
#> [54] "unclassified_Pseudomonas"                  
#> [55] "Akkermansia.55_PT"                         
#> [56] "Unknown"

# convert to relative abundance  
ps.mib <- microbiome::transform(ps.mib, "compositional")

Merge with theoretical

# There is one sampe here
phyloseq::sample_data($MockType <- "Theoretical"

# adding new column to may be for other comparisons user might be interested in doing.
phyloseq::sample_data(ps.mib)$MockType <- "Experimental"

ps.custom <- merge_phyloseq(ps.mib,

Compare the experimental mocks with theoretical mocks 3

compare2theorectical(ps.custom,  theoretical_id = "MC3")
#> # A tibble: 7 × 2
#>   term            MC3
#>   <chr>         <dbl>
#> 1 Lib1_Mock_3  0.392 
#> 2 Lib1_Mock_4 -0.0818
#> 3 Lib2_Mock_3  0.409 
#> 4 Lib2_Mock_4 -0.0304
#> 5 Lib3_Mock_3  0.404 
#> 6 Lib3_Mock_4 -0.0441
#> 7 MC4          0.342


cor.table.ref <-compare2theorectical(ps.custom, theoretical = NULL) %>% 
#> Check that theoretical =  exists in sample_names(x)
#> returning all pairwise comparisons

cor.table.ref %>% 
  reshape2::melt() %>% 
  # Remove MC4 theoretical and experimental and keep only those with MC3
  dplyr::filter(!term %in% c("Lib1_Mock_4", "Lib2_Mock_4", "Lib3_Mock_4", "MC4") &
                  variable == "MC3") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(value,term)) +
  geom_col(fill="steelblue") +
  theme_minimal() +
  #facet_grid(~variable) +
  ylab("Experimental Mocks") +
  xlab("Spearman's correlation") +
  ggtitle("Species level correlation") + 
#> Using term as id variables

This is an example where one can observe that in high diversity mocks with some closely related “species”, the assignments based on short reads is difficult. The correlation values are less than 0.5.

Aggregate to Genus

It is well known that the Genus level assignments with short reads is better than “species” level assignments. Therefore, we can check the correlation at genus level.

ps.custom.gen <- microbiome::aggregate_taxa(ps.custom, "genus")
compare2theorectical(ps.custom.gen,  theoretical_id = "MC3")
#> # A tibble: 7 × 2
#>   term             MC3
#>   <chr>          <dbl>
#> 1 Lib1_Mock_3  0.762  
#> 2 Lib1_Mock_4 -0.00491
#> 3 Lib2_Mock_3  0.768  
#> 4 Lib2_Mock_4 -0.0541 
#> 5 Lib3_Mock_3  0.772  
#> 6 Lib3_Mock_4 -0.0353 
#> 7 MC4          0.0756

Compare the values for MC3

cor.table.ref <-compare2theorectical(ps.custom.gen, theoretical = NULL) %>% 
#> Check that theoretical =  exists in sample_names(x)
#> returning all pairwise comparisons

cor.table.ref %>% 
  reshape2::melt() %>% 
  # Remove MC4 theoretical and experimental and keep only those with MC3
  dplyr::filter(!term %in% c("Lib1_Mock_4", "Lib2_Mock_4", "Lib3_Mock_4", "MC4") &
                  variable == "MC3") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(value,term)) +
  geom_col(fill="steelblue") +
  theme_minimal() +
  #facet_grid(~variable) +
  ylab("Experimental Mocks") +
  xlab("Spearman correlation") +
  #scale_fill_viridis_c() +
  ggtitle("Genus level correlation") +
#> Using term as id variables

Compare the values for MC4

cor.table.ref <-compare2theorectical(ps.custom.gen, theoretical = NULL) %>% 
#> Check that theoretical =  exists in sample_names(x)
#> returning all pairwise comparisons

cor.table.ref %>% 
  reshape2::melt() %>% 
  # Remove MC4 theoretical and experimental and keep only those with MC3
  dplyr::filter(!term %in% c("Lib1_Mock_3", "Lib2_Mock_3", "Lib3_Mock_3", "MC3") &
                  variable == "MC4") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(value,term)) +
  geom_col(fill="steelblue") +
  theme_minimal() +
  #facet_grid(~variable) +
  ylab("Experimental Mocks") +
  xlab("Spearman correlation") +
  #scale_fill_viridis_c() +
  ggtitle("Genus level correlation") +
#> Using term as id variables

There is a major improvement in correlation between theoretical and expected mock communities.
