Assign Custom Mocks Taxonomy
mock_db = NULL,
processors = NULL,
threshold = 60,
strand = "top",
verbose = FALSE,
Phyloseq objects where taxa_names are ASV sequences
Passed on to DECIPHER::IdTaxa Default is NULL
Passed on to DECIPHER::IdTaxa. Default is 60
DECIPHER::IdTaxa Default is top
Default is FALSE
Arguments to pass on to DECIPHER::IdTaxa
Phyloseq with new taxonomy
For consistency in taxonomic assignments, use only a small database that has 16S rRNA gene sequences from mock community genomes. This is done to avoid any clashes/changes that happen with public databases and to get a direct comparison.
#output.dat <- assignTaxonomyCustomMock(ps.zym,
# mock_db = NULL,
# processors = 2,
# threshold = 80)